Are you getting ready to have a new roof installed on your home?
Installing a new roof on your home is a big deal, and in order to make the process go as easily and as smoothly as possible, there are a few things you should do to prepare your home. At Sargeant’s Roofing, not only do we want to provide you with the professional and efficient roof replacement you need for your Edmonton home, we also want to help you be as prepared as possible for your new roof. Here are a few things you can do to get your home ready for roof replacement:
#1. Make arrangements for your kids and pets.
In a perfect world, you wouldn’t even notice the roof replacement process is happening, but in the real world, roof replacement is noisy work. If you have small children or pets around, all of that ruckus could upset them. Additionally, work zones can be extremely dangerous places for kids or pets, and it’s much safer and more peaceful for them to stay with a friend or family member while your roof is being replaced.
#2. Talk to your neighbors.
Getting a new roof installed on your home is good for the entire neighborhood, because it’s an enormous exterior upgrade that helps to raise your property value, as well as that of your neighbors. However, as we mentioned above, roof replacement is noisy work, and giving your neighbors a heads up about the upcoming work is a part of being a courteous neighbor yourself.
#3. Remove any valuables from your attic.
The best roofers will work hard to reduce the amount of debris and dust created during the replacement process. However, the job is inherently a messy one, and no matter what your roofers do, there is still going to be some level of dust and debris that could get into your attic. If you have any heirlooms or other valuables stored in your attic, be sure to move them to a safer location before anyone starts working on your roof.
#4. Take down any wall decorations.
When work is being completed on the frame of your home, it’s going to make your walls vibrate. These vibrations can be so strong that they knock pictures, art, sconces and other decorations off of your walls. To protect your wall decorations, make sure that you take them down prior to any work being completed. Not only will this keep your decorations safe, but it will also keep you safe from any decorations falling on you!
#5. Find a new place to park your vehicles.
It goes without saying that if your contractors are going to be able to replace your roof, they need to be able to access it! They also need quick access to the tools and materials they need to get the job done, and that means that they will need to use your driveway. It’s best to find another location to park your vehicle. You can always park your vehicle in your garage during the replacement process, but it’s important to make sure that you close the garage door to keep it safe from dust and debris.
Have questions or concerns about preparing your home for roof replacement?
If so, contact us today at Sargeant’s Roofing! As we mentioned at the very beginning of this article, our goal is to make the roof replacement process as smooth and as easy for you as humanly possible, and we are always happy to address any of your questions or concerns.
In our next blog, we’ll be going over a few more steps you can take to get your home ready for roof replacement. So if you would like to learn more, be sure to stay tuned.